Last week, the Senate passed the DC Local Funds Act (S. 1077), which would restore DC’s power over our local budget.
Now the House has to pass this bill. With unanimous bipartisan support in the Senate, we are cautiously optimistic that this bill will move forward. But we need to do more than just hope that’s what happens — we need to put in the work to see it through to the finish line.
Join us on Tuesday, March 25 to visit key House offices and encourage them to pass the DC Local Funds Act. Meet us at the Rayburn House Office Building horseshoe — the circular driveway near the intersection of South Capitol St. SE & C St. SW — between 9:30 AM and 10:30, or at Rayburn Room 2136 from 10:30 AM until 3:00 PM. We’ll give you an office assignment and a letter to deliver. Let us know you’ll join us using the form below: