DC doesn’t know you, Andy Ogles

Representative from Tennessee charged with corruption thinks he knows better than the 700,000 people of DC

District of Columbia — On Thursday, Rep. Andy Ogles (TN-5) announced his intent to re-introduce the "Bringing Oversight to Washington and Safety to Every Resident (BOWSER)" Act, a bill attempting to repeal the District of Columbia Home Rule Act. 

Leaders of Free DC, a campaign working to build the movement it will take to win dignity for the people of the District of Columbia, issued the following response:

“DC doesn't know you, Andy Ogles,” said Nee Nee Taylor, Executive Director of Harriet’s Wildest Dreams and co-founder of Free DC. “As a DC native, someone who was born and raised here, I can tell you one thing for certain: Representatives in Congress do not care about the people of DC. Ogles needs to go mind his own state. Nonsense like this is why we need to Free DC.”

“Representative Ogles could be using his time right now to go after the billionaire who has compromised national security at multiple federal agencies this week, or explaining to his constituents why he was charged with corruption,” said Keya Chatterjee, Executive Director of Free DC. “It’s incompetent and racist for this man to presume that he knows DC better than the people who live here, raise families here, or who are duly elected by the voters here.”

Free DC is setting out to build the cultural and political movement it will take to make DC’s demand for full democratic representation un-ignorable. Building on the work of generations of activists who have come before us, we know that the people of DC are joyful, powerful, and deserve the right to govern ourselves. Learn more at https://freedcproject.org.


Free DC launches at The People’s March 2025